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Annual report 2023: give citizens a chance to rectify their mistake if they make an error in an administrative procedure

Ombuds Brussels, the ombuds service between citizens and the public administrations in Brussels, has published its annual report for operating year 2023. On the basis of the 1,034 complaints the institution received in 2023, we were able to establish that citizens can make mistakes in the administrative processes. They must be given the opportunity to rectify any such mistakes to avoid the potentially serious consequences.

1,034 complaints

During 2023, Ombuds Brussels logged 1,034 complaints. Most complaints were about parking. Next, taxation (especially property tax and fines in relation to low-emission zones). Complaints about contact with the municipal administrations came third.

Mistakes with serious consequences at times

Ombuds Brussels has found that the situations that were hardest to resolve arose from mistakes citizens had made in good faith. Catherine De Bruecker, Brussels ombudswoman:

“There are several reasons why people make mistakes. Digitisation is increasingly forcing citizens to look after their own administration, without the help of staff at the counter or without the possibility of rectifying any data that were entered incorrectly. The language the administrations use can be overly technical, with the result that users simply don't understand it properly. Other mistakes are purely due to inattention or oversight.”

Incorrect form on the municipality's website

The consequences can sometimes be really serious for the person who made a mistake.

”This was the case for the lady who completed the wrong form and submitted a form to report a move abroad instead of a travel authorisation for her children. She lost all sorts of rights, including her child benefit. Her municipality refused to reregister her on the date she made the mistake. Luckiliy, once we interceded, the municipality became more understanding and everything got sorted" recounts Catherine De Bruecker.

Mistake while submitting an application for a renovation grant

Another complaint illustrates the possible consequences of a mistake when people complete an application for a renovation grant.

‌Introduce the right to make a mistake for the benefit of citizens

The Brussels Ombudswoman advises the Brussels administrations, as is the case in France, to develop a functionality that allows citizens to correct any mistakes made in good faith.

“We must give the public administrations a chance to willingly lend their users a helping hand. Not only when it comes to compliance with their administrative obligations, but also in terms of access to the various grants, subsidies, and support measures the Region has put in place to help them weather the many crises of today. That would boost citizens' faith in the institutions and would serve the common good.”

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