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I need help

Are you a private citizen, an association, or a business and are you experiencing problems with a public administration?
Lodge a complaint

Do you work for a public administration and have you come across an incident of abuse of authority, fraud, or an irregularity that is contrary to the common interest?
Make a disclosure

Complete our questionnaire to find out whether Ombuds Brussels will be able to help you.

How to make a disclosure?

We are bound by professional secrecy and respect your privacy. For further information, consult our privacy policy via this link.

I have witnessed a breach of professional integrity

I wish to report an incident of abuse of authority, fraud or a serious irregularity within a public administration.

If you are working (or have worked) for a Brussels administration and have come across incidents of abuse of authority, fraud, or a serious irregularity that it contrary to the common interest, go to out secure portal to report these incidents.

Who can report an incident of abuse of authority or fraud?

Members of staff of a public administration and anyone who, in a professional context, witnessed incidents of abuse of authority, fraud, or an irregularity within a Brussels regional or municipal administration.

For instance:

  • You are (or were) a member of staff of a public administration
  • You are (or were) an intern
  • You went through a selection process
  • You are a subcontractor or a supplier

As whistle-blower you are protected against reprisals. For further details, go to the "Whistle-blower protection" page.

What type of incidents can be reported?

You can report any breach of professional integrity, such as suspicions of abuse of authority, fraud, irregularities or serious negligence that undermine the public interest. The incidents must involve a Brussels administration.

For instance

  • Misappropriation of property
  • Irregularities in a public procurement process
  • Cronyism
  • Conflict of interests
  • Abuse of power
  • Unfair competition
  • Violations of privacy
  • Any other serious infringements of the code of conduct

You can report these incidents to your public administration

The legislation encourages you to use the internal channel whenever possible. The internal channel is a department or person your public administration has appointed to receive disclosures and to investigate possible incidents of abuse of authority or fraud.

If you fear reprisals or for any other reason associated with the nature of your disclosure, you can contact Ombuds Brussels, the external channel, directly.

The stages of a disclosure

  1. 1

    Verification: the Integrity Division within Ombuds Brussels will examine whether the incidents in question amount to a breach of professional integrity and whether they took place within a Brussels administration. If that is not the case, you will be referred to the relevant service.

  2. 2

    Pre-analysis: we examine whether the facts have been properly substantiated, whether they are sufficiently serious, and whether they undermine the public interest. If that is not the case, we close the file.

  3. 3

    In-depth investigation: the Integrity Division conducts an investigation. The relevant details and information are gathered and all the people involved, including any witnesses, are interviewed.

  4. 4

    Investigation report and recommendations: once the investigation has been completed, the Integrity Division produces a report. This report is sent to the competent minister or the judicial authorities. It contains the findings, the conclusions, and possible recommendations to resolve the issue, to make sure that that is does not arise again, or that errors are rectified.

  5. 5

    Follow-up of the recommendations: Ombuds Brussels follows up the recommendations issued in the investigation report.

Download our investigation protocol (in French) for detailed information about the process and our methods.

What is the difference between a complaint and a disclosure?

A complaint involves a problem a citizen, an association, or a business is experiencing with a public administration.

A disclosure allows members of staff of a public administration (employees, outsiders or subcontractors) who have witnessed incidents of abuse of authority, fraud, or a serious irregularity that is contrary to the public interest to expose the situation. 

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